General Style and Format
Please confirm that the content of your manuscript complies with ACS Style requirements. Manuscripts must be prepared in English. If any cited references are published in another language, kindly provide the original language of publication and the English-translated title. Please ensure that the abbreviations are spelled out in full the first time they are mentioned in the manuscript. At the end of the text, authors are required to provide a list of abbreviations for reference. The journal does not place any limits on the length of manuscripts. However, ensuring that the text content is concise and comprehensive is essential. In addition, please ensure that the units used in the text adhere to the International System of Units (SI). To facilitate the review process, kindly add line numbers to the manuscript before submission.
Manuscript Structure
The manuscript should typically include the following parts: a title page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Additional Materials, Statements, and References. Depending on your circumstances, you may need to adjust the manuscript's title or components. You should differentiate between heading levels to ensure editors and reviewers can easily review your work.
Title Page
Ensure the title page includes the manuscript title, author list, and affiliations clearly and concisely. The title should be specific and informative, and abbreviations or formulas should not be used while using noun phrases.
Confirming that each author meets the authorship standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Please provide each author's full name, with the given name listed first and the surname listed last (including complete spelling). The use of a middle initial is optional. In the case of joint authorship, a footnote should be added to the author listing. For example, 'X and Y should be considered joint authors'.
It is necessary to designate one author as the corresponding author and furnish contact information for all authors. Each author should be affiliated with at least one institute. After receiving peer review results, avoiding making significant changes to your institution's information is recommended.
If an author's affiliation changes after the study is completed and before the paper is accepted, please include the current affiliation. The format for affiliations should be as follows: Department, University/Organizational Affiliation, City, State/Province (if applicable), Country.
Please remember that the abstract must be brief and concise, containing 300 words or less. It should clearly state the research's aim, the primary methods or experiments utilized, the most significant findings, and any potential implications or conclusions. Please avoid using too many abbreviations, and do not include citations in the abstract. If you need to refer to other works, please describe them in the abstract and cite them in the primary text.
Authors are encouraged to submit a graphical figure or photo to serve as a Graphic Abstract, providing a visual summary of the research. This Graphic Abstract will accompany the paper on the website and should effectively convey the study's research theme, subjects, design, conclusions, and key findings. Both static and GIF images are acceptable, with a preference for pictures of at least 300 dpi resolution.
Please include 3-10 keywords relevant to the subject matter when preparing a manuscript. Choose carefully to ensure they accurately represent your research and help others find your work efficiently.
Main Text
- The introduction section of a research paper provides an overview of the research background. It outlines the objectives and significance of the study about existing research in the field. The section should clearly state the working hypothesis or hypotheses that will be addressed in the study.
- The Materials and Methods section comprehensively describes the research methodology to enable others to replicate the work. A detailed description is required for novel methods, while well-established methods can be briefly summarized or referenced appropriately. It is essential to clearly explain the resources, materials, data, and protocols used in the study, particularly for those with restricted access. The names of suppliers for all antibodies used in the study should be provided. Additionally, the statistical analysis methods should be identified, and any statistical software programs used in the study should be appropriately cited.
- The Result section presents the experimental findings. Tables and figures may be included in this section.
- The discussion section should present the findings and their implications. It should also compare the findings with those of other studies. Future research directions may also be recommended in this section.
- The conclusions section is optional. It can be included if the discussion is very long or complicated.
- Acceptable file formats for figures in the manuscript are EPS, JPG, PNG, PDF, and TIFF, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Color figures are preferred and will not incur any extra charges.
- All figures should have a brief and clear title and an explanatory caption, while any footnotes should be labeled and explained.
- The figures should be numbered sequentially and ordered numerically (e.g., Figure 1 or Figure 1A) throughout the paper and placed near their first citation in the text.
- Please only include up to eight figures in the manuscript.
Equations in the manuscript should be created using an equation editor, such as Microsoft Equation Editor in Word, rather than being inserted as images or pieced text.
- Tables should be prepared in editable Word or Excel rather than inserted pictures or patched-together text.
- All tables should include a concise noun title, while each column should be given an explanatory heading. Footnotes should be clearly and accurately marked and explained.
- Tables should be sequentially ordered numerically (e.g., Table 1) throughout the paper and inserted in the text near their first citation.
Supplementary Materials
To support or enhance the study, supplementary materials such as text documents, data tables, spreadsheets, static and GIF images, videos, etc., can be published alongside the paper. A list of these materials should be included in the paper, as follows:
The following supplementary materials are available on the webpage for this paper:
- Title of material 1.
- Title of material 2.
- Title of material 3.
In addition to the primary author, this section would also like to express gratitude to those who assisted in the research process, such as language checks, writing assistance, etc.
This section should clarify funding sources and grant information, including the funding agency, grant number, and any relevant details.
Data Availability Statement
Authors are required to provide information on the availability and accessibility of research data associated with the paper. This statement includes details on where the data can be accessed and hyperlinks and persistent identifiers (such as DOI or accession numbers) if applicable. The data may be primary (generated by the authors as part of their study) or secondary (reused from other sources). For guidance on creating a comprehensive data-sharing statement, authors can refer to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Data Sharing guidance.
Research Ethics Statement
An individual section titled Ethics Statement must be included in the manuscript, demonstrating that the research was approved by an appropriate ethics committee or equivalent institution and that it was conducted ethically. If identifiable information from human subjects was utilized, the disclosure must state that written Informed Consent was obtained from the subjects to release such information.
If the manuscript does not fall under this requirement, please include "Not applicable" in this section. The Ethics Statement should include, at a minimum, the project identification code, date of approval, and the name of the ethics committee or institutional review board involved in the approval process.
Conflict of Interest Statement
Authors must reveal potential conflicts of interest in their work, including financial or personal relationships with individuals or organizations that may lead to undue influence or bias toward their research. Specific instructions regarding this can be found in the Editorial Policies. Authors may use the following template to disclose any conflicts of interest: “Author A has received research sponsorship from Company A. Author B is the inventor of Patent B (Patent No. xxx, Patent Name xxx). Author C owns stock in Company C. We have fully disclosed all interests.” If the authors have no competing interests, they should state, “The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.”
Author Contributions
This section should outline the contributions made by each author. Authors are individuals who have made significant contributions to the research. This section includes constructing and designing experiments, data acquisition and analysis, and drafting and revising the manuscript.
If you are the sole author of the manuscript, including the statement: "The author conducted all the research work for this study" in this section is crucial.
We strongly recommend consulting the "What Constitutes Authorship? COPE Discussion Document" to ensure adherence to appropriate authorship criteria.
Reference Style
References should be prepared following the Vancouver/NLM Citation Style, 2nd Edition. In-text citations should follow a serial numbering pattern, ordering reference numbers from smallest to largest. The complete reference list must appear in numerical order at the end of the article. For additional examples and guidance, please refer to the full book available for free at Citing medicine: the NLM style guide for authors, editors, and publishers.
Below are examples of references from Vancouver/NLM Citation. Please review the reference style guidelines before submission. Kindly note that a DOI should be provided for all references where available.
- Journal article: Doyle JJ, Coate JE. Polyploidy, the nucleotype, and novelty: the impact of genome doubling on the biology of the cell. International Journal of Plant Sciences [Internet]. 2019 Jan [cited 2021 Apr 30];180(1):1–52. Available from:
- Book: Ault CR. Do elephants have knees? And other stories of darwinian origins [Internet]. Ithaca: Comstock Publishing Associates; 2017 [cited 2021 Apr 30]. (UPCC Book Collections on Project MUSE). Available from:
- Book chapter: Keith, WN, Bilsland, AE. Targeting telomerase: therapeutic options for cancer treatment. In: Rudolph, KL, editor. Telomeres and telomerase in aging, disease, and cancer: molecular mechanisms of adult stem cell ageing. Berlin: Springer; 2008. p. 247-284.
- News/Magazine Article: Kennedy, M. To prevent wildfires, PG&E pre-emptively cuts power. NPR [news source on the Internet]. 2018 Oct 15;15-18. Available from:
- Web Page: Preidt, R. Who is using herbal kratom? [Internet]. WebMD HealthDay; Updated 2021 Apr 29; cited 2021 May 3. Available from:
- Online Film/Video: Henochowicz SI, Zieve D. 2021. Allergies. Bethesda, MD: US National Library of Medicine, Updated May 4. Video, 0:1:05. Available from: